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Implementing a Custom WMS: From Chaos to Control

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14 min read

Imagine a warehouse where chaos in several steps transformed into seamless control, inventory levels are always sufficient to meet customer demand, and order fulfillment delays are kept to a minimum. With implementation of a custom warehouse management system (WMS) designed specifically for your business, this vision becomes a reality.

A WMS technology is a software solution that helps to automate and streamline warehouse operations, such as inventory management, order fulfillment, and logistics operations. It empowers businesses to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and overall warehouse productivity.

Custom warehouse management software development is more than just an investment. It’s a strategic move to dominate the market on the basis of a distinct checklist.. In this article, we will explore the significance of a custom WMS and describe how to successfully implement and customize it to unlock unmatched value.

Table of contents:

The Importance of Custom WMS Implementation

How do Warehouse Management Systems Work?

Types of Warehouse Management Systems

Requirements and Key Considerations for Successful WMS Development and Implementation

Tailoring a WMS to Fit Business Needs

Develop Your Custom WMS With HQSoftware

Custom WMS Implementation Project Plan Example

Scaling E-Commerce Operations With a Custom WMS

Custom WMS Implementation – Recap and Conclusion

The Importance of Custom WMS Implementation

Is a custom WMS really worth the investment, or is it enough to turn to a ready-made one? This question probably arises in the mind of every business owner when they decide to implement a WMS solution or replace an outdated one.

Well, both options have their pros and cons. To get a better picture, check out the key differences in the table below.

Custom Off-the-shelf
Functionality includes features that are relevant to your workflow provides pre-built features, some of which may be insufficient or redundant for your business
Customization can be fully customized to fit unique business needs limited customization
Scalability can be easily scaled and adapted to support business growth and changing needs may have limitations, requiring additional efforts for expansion
Integration integrates with other systems and technologies in use within your organization offers a basic set of integrations and may require additional development work
Costs higher development costs, as you need to hire a software development team is provided by subscription with a fixed amount per period, but may require additional expenses for customization and integration
Time longer development time due to customization and tailoring to specific requirements quick implementation, as the system is pre-built
Maintenance requires developers for ongoing maintenance all updates are performed on the WMS vendor side
When to choose
  • specific business or industry requirements
  • complex warehouse operations
  • multiple third-party integrations are required
  • a small organization with basic warehouse operations
  • limited budget

As you can see, a custom WMS provides you with flexibility and the ability to adjust a system to your business needs, offering you many advantages both now and in the long run.

With a custom WMS, you can improve inventory visibility and management, increasing inventory accuracy across the entire supply chain. This is a pain point for many organizations, as only 6% can describe their supply chain as completely transparent.

With visibility into the movement of goods and the state of your inventory, you can replenish your stock in time to eliminate shortages. In addition, you can enrich your custom warehouse management system with customer demand forecasting to ensure that you have the right amount of goods to meet demand. Specifically, by incorporating  Machine Learning models in our client’s WMS, the system now can provide replenishment options based on historical data, reducing inventory costs by 15%.

This way, instead of filling your warehouse with surplus, you save financial resources as well as warehouse storage capacity. Also, you avoid wasting space to place extra boxes and can locate high-demand items within easy reach of workers. Add to that picking lists and improved warehouse navigation that can reduce order picking time by 25%, and you can significantly speed up order fulfillment.

Custom WMS implementation pillar benefits - Implementing a Custom WMS: From Chaos to Control
WMS implementation. Benefits

By customizing the WMS to your business processes, you can eliminate unnecessary steps, automate repetitive tasks, and ensure smooth and efficient operations.

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Business Development Manager

How do Warehouse Management Systems Work?

A comprehensive warehouse management system serves as a central hub that can automate and optimize almost all warehouse operations. For this, a system should include the following features:

  • Inventory management — tracks the flow of goods through the warehouse in real time, providing visibility into stock levels, item locations, expiration dates, and product availability. Integration of Artificial Intelligence enables automatic replenishment based on customer demand forecasting, ensuring optimal stock levels and minimizing shortages or excess inventory.
  • Order fulfillment — streamlines operations required to fulfill orders, including order capture, picking, packing, and shipping. It tracks order status, manages order prioritization, offers the most efficient picking routes, and creates picking lists to minimize travel time and reduce errors.
  • Warehouse planning — maximizes space usage and analyzes order patterns to determine the most efficient placement of goods within the warehouse. By organizing items based on their demand frequency and storage requirements, a WMS reduces picking and replenishment time.
  • Labor management — assigns tasks to workers according to their availability, skill level, and performance rates, to balance the workload and ensure efficient task completion.
  • Reporting and analytics — provide customizable dashboards with insights into warehouse operations to assess key performance indicators, analyze bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions.
Custom WMS requirements - Implementing a Custom WMS: From Chaos to Control
Essential features of WMS software

All these features of a custom WMS work in harmony to streamline key aspects of warehouse management, improve productivity, and drive overall efficiency.

Types of Warehouse Management Systems

The type of warehouse management system you choose directly affects the WMS implementation and capabilities. The choice depends on your specific WMS requirements and preferences:

  • On-premises WMS — is installed on the company’s local server and infrastructure and can be accessed only via corporate hardware and network. It offers full control and customization capabilities but requires significant upfront investment and ongoing maintenance.
  • Cloud-based WMS — is hosted on a remote server and provides remote access at any location through the Internet. Such a system enables real-time data synchronization and offers scalability and flexibility. It eliminates the need for on-site hardware and infrastructure, making it a cost-effective and accessible option for businesses of all sizes.
  • SaaS WMS — is a cloud-based solution that is accessed through a subscription model. The WMS provider hosts and manages the software and infrastructure, eliminating the need for users to maintain the solution.
  • Integrated WMS — integrates with internal business systems such as ERP or a supply chain management system to enable real-time data exchange and synchronization, ensuring a unified flow of information across the entire organization.

Each warehouse management system type offers unique benefits and features to streamline warehouse operations and enhance overall efficiency. The right type to choose depends on the size of your business, the complexity of warehouse operations, scalability requirements, budget, and IT infrastructure.

Requirements and Key Considerations for Successful WMS Development and Implementation

When choosing and implementing WMS software to improve and optimize business efficiency, the last thing you want is a solution that further complicates already complex tasks. To get a system that will become a valuable workhorse, you need to keep in mind several important considerations.

Clear understanding of operational needs

First, you need to understand which tasks a new WMS needs to address. To define this, analyze your ongoing processes, inventory management requirements, order fulfillment workflows, and other key aspects to identify areas that can be improved with a system. Based on the results, you will be able to establish clear WMS requirements that align with your business goals.

System scalability

As your business expands, your WMS must be able to process a large amount of data and handle database growth. You should be able to add new items, clients, suppliers, and even warehouses without compromising the WMS’s performance.

Smooth data processing is one of the nine most crucial warehouse management system challenges, along with data accuracy, time-consuming implementation, cost overruns, etc. To achieve scalability, consider a system with an architecture designed to handle increased workloads and data volumes.

Think about a robust database system, utilize cloud computing services, and implement a distributed architecture that allows for horizontal scaling. Also, invest in scalable hardware and infrastructure that can be easily upgraded or expanded as your needs grow.

Integration capabilities

To cover as many operations as possible, WMS requires integration with internal and external business systems such as ERP, CRM, and transportation management systems. This ensures real-time data exchange across different departments and eliminates manual data entry or duplicate processes.

Data security

Given that your warehouse management system will handle sensitive data, such as customer information, inventory records, and financial data, you need to prioritize data security.

Therefore, ensure that your custom WMS incorporates data security measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular data backups. Additionally, consider what’s required in terms of compliance with relevant data protection regulations, such as GDPR or industry-specific standards.

User-friendly interface

A common weakness of many WMS solutions, especially those that have been on the market for a long time, is a complex and convoluted interface that can confuse workers and hinder warehouse productivity.

So, pay special attention to the system’s interface to ensure it provides clear navigation and minimizes the learning curve for users. Additionally, provide comprehensive training and support to your employees so they understand how to effectively use the WMS, reducing errors and maximizing productivity.

Overall, comprehensive employee training is crucial for successful WMS implementation and utilization. A well-executed training program will facilitate a smooth transition to a new system and minimize disruptions during the implementation process.

Custom WMS implementation project plan - Implementing a Custom WMS: From Chaos to Control
Key consideration for WMS implementation

Another important aspect to keep in mind for WMS implementation is to actively involve employees from different departments, such as warehouse managers, IT personnel, end-users, and stakeholders. Their involvement will provide valuable insights to ensure that a WMS solution addresses specific needs and fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to the project.

You’ll also collaborate closely with your WMS vendor, as, without the necessary technical expertise, you simply can’t foresee all the pitfalls. By combining a clear understanding of your business needs, growth prospects, the potential capabilities of your warehouse management software, and the skills of your development team, you’ll end up with a system that brings value in the long run.

Tailoring a WMS to Fit Business Needs

While it’s likely that you have some standard operations that could be implemented in any warehouse, your business also has its unique workflow. That’s the main point to think about in WMS implementation: you need to customize the system according to your business requirements. Below is a breakdown of what to customize in choosing your WMS software and advice on how to do it effectively:

  • workflow;
  • data fields and attributes;
  • reporting and analytics;
  • user interface;
  • third-party integrations.

Workflow customization

Customizing workflows in your WMS software is crucial for aligning it with your unique business processes. For example, you may want to introduce AI for automated inventory replenishment. Or you need an advanced module for marketplace management that allows you to control all marketplaces within one interface and set adjustable product displays. With such a module, one of our clients was able to reduce time needed for product management tasks by 30%.

Analyze your existing workflows to identify what areas and tasks you can optimize and consult with warehouse managers and end-users to gather feedback on the features they lack for efficient warehouse operation.

Data fields and attributes customization

To capture and manage relevant information, add unique data fields and attributes that are crucial for WMS operations. Determine the essential data points you need to track, such as SKU numbers, product descriptions, or expiration dates.

Once you have identified the data points, customize the field names and definitions to align with your business terminology. This ensures consistency and clarity in data entry and reporting. Use industry-standard terms or internal nomenclature that your team is familiar with to facilitate understanding and improve data accuracy.

Also, establish data validation rules for the customized fields. Define the acceptable formats, ranges, or constraints for each data field to prevent errors during data entry.

Reporting and analytics

To gain actionable insights into your warehouse operations that can help you make data-driven decisions, identify crucial key performance indicators, such as inventory turnover or picking accuracy. Configure the WMS software to generate customized reports and dashboards that provide real-time visibility into these metrics.

User interface customization

Tailor the user interface of your WMS software to align with your specific terminology, processes, and user preferences. Simplify complex screens, streamline navigation, and ensure that the software’s workflows align with your operational requirements. Conduct user testing and gather feedback from your warehouse staff to fine-tune the interface and optimize usability.

Third-party integrations

Choose WMS integrations relevant for your operations. You may also have your own platforms that need to be integrated with the system. For example, your customized system might include a unified interface to facilitate supplier registration and collaboration. Custom integrations eliminate siloed data and manual data entry, increasing overall efficiency and accuracy.

Customization is a must-have step when implementing any type of WMS. If you choose an off-the-shelf solution, you’ll need to spend additional time and resources to explore the system configuration and make changes that won’t compromise WMS performance. With custom software development, you can create a system tailored to your unique business needs from the start.

Develop Your Custom WMS With HQSoftware

With over 21 years on the market and extensive experience in custom WMS development and implementation, we at HQSoftware have accumulated in-depth knowledge and expertise in the field.

Our strength lies in our ability to focus not only on the technical implementation of your WMS requirements but also on the entire business landscape, to provide you with the most relevant functionality.

Our team is well-versed in technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, cloud computing, and IoT, which can be leveraged to enhance the capabilities of your WMS. By incorporating these technologies, we can provide you with innovative solutions that drive operational efficiency and empower your warehouse management processes. For example, our team has delivered an innovative E-3PL platform with ML elements enabling the client to achieve 99.9% order accuracy and 80% increase in average order value.

Custom WMS implementation guide - Implementing a Custom WMS: From Chaos to Control
HQSoftware: quick facts

Beyond custom software development, we can customize and upgrade your existing WMS solution, redesign it, or migrate it to the cloud for improved scalability and accessibility. Check out our WMS development services to learn more about how we can help your business achieve maximum efficiency with WMS software.

Custom WMS Implementation Project Plan Example

To ensure a smooth transition and successful integration of a custom warehouse management system, a comprehensive WMS implementation guide can be a great help to you. In outline, an example plan for a WMS implementation project will include several steps:

  1. set the implementation team;
  2. create an implementation plan;
  3. clean up data;
  4. test the WMS;
  5. train warehouse staff;
  6. provide ongoing system support and maintenance.

Step 1. Set the implementation team

In addition to WMS vendor specialists, you also need an internal implementation team that will be responsible for driving the implementation process, coordinating tasks, and ensuring effective communication throughout the project. To ensure that the team gets a well-rounded overview of important factors in the WMS implementation, include employees from various departments, such as warehouse managers, IT specialists, a change manager, and key stakeholders.

Step 2. Create an implementation plan

Within an implementation plan, outline the project objectives, timelines, milestones, and resource allocation. This plan should include specific tasks and responsibilities assigned to team members, ensuring clear progress tracking throughout the implementation process.

Step 3. Clean up data

To avoid wasting memory and speed up data migration, get rid of any redundant, outdated, or irrelevant information. Conduct a comprehensive audit to verify customer contact details, detect outdated employee or supplier information, and remove irrelevant SKUs. This eliminates duplications and errors and ensures data integrity before transferring it to the new WMS.

Step 4. Test the WMS

Determine test scenarios that address all of the WMS’s functional needs, including inventory management, order processing, and shipping. These test cases should cover both positive and negative scenarios to ensure that the system can manage a variety of events.

Together with the WMS development team, perform testing to validate system performance, data accuracy, and integration with other required systems. This is to verify that the system can handle the expected number of users, transactions, and data volumes and perform all the required functions correctly.

Step 5. Train warehouse staff

Tailor the training sessions to various user roles, ensuring that each employee understands how to effectively utilize the system. Encourage workers to provide feedback and address any concerns or questions they may have during the training process.

In addition, consider creating visual instructions that can help workers when difficulties arise and streamline the onboarding of new employees.

Step 6. Provide ongoing system support and maintenance

Implementing a custom WMS is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. So, you need to have a plan for continuous support, maintenance, and system updates. Collaborate with a custom WMS provider to keep your system up to date and functioning optimally.

Custom WMS implementation project plan example - Implementing a Custom WMS: From Chaos to Control
WMS implementation guide

Following this step-by-step plan and keeping in mind WMS implementation best practices, you can ensure a successful implementation of your custom software, staying in line with changing business needs and technological advances.

At HQSoftware, we guide you through the full cycle of warehouse management system implementation, from custom WMS development, including requirement analysis, design, development, and testing, to software deployment and staff training. Our team of skilled developers, business analysts, and project managers closely collaborate with your implementation team to build a high-quality solution aligning with your needs.

To learn more about what to expect from a custom WMS development service, check out our article.

Scaling E-Commerce Operations With a Custom WMS

As you engage with customers across various e-commerce channels, you’re likely to face difficulties in maintaining accurate inventory information across all of them. Then, as new channels are added, this challenge becomes increasingly overwhelming.

The good news is that a warehouse management system can help you overcome it. The system provides a single interface for centralized inventory management, ensuring visibility across all channels, including online stores, physical stores, and marketplaces. It allows for synchronizing inventory in real-time, effective handling of stockouts, and optimizing inventory allocation to meet demand from different channels.

However, that’s not the only way WMS can improve e-commerce business. In short, you can also benefit from:

  • Faster order fulfillment. In today’s competitive environment, customers expect fast and high-quality order delivery regardless of the channel chosen for purchase. A WMS provides intelligent order clustering and distribution within fulfillment centers based on proximity to the customer, product availability, and workload capacity. This minimizes order processing time, reduces errors, and ensures faster delivery.
  • Streamlined shipping. A WMS integrates with shipping carriers, automating shipping label generation, package tracking, and order status updates. This allows businesses to improve shipping accuracy and offer real-time tracking information to customers.
  • Reduced costs, including logistics, space optimization, labor, and return costs. By optimizing warehouse operations, businesses can reduce waste and make better use of available resources.

By implementing a tailored WMS solution, e-commerce businesses can effectively scale their operations and streamline their warehouse processes, resulting in improved productivity and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Custom WMS Implementation – Recap and Conclusion

Implementing a custom warehouse management system can be a game-changer for your warehouse operations. You can benefit from:

  • real-time visibility into inventory levels;
  • faster order fulfillment;
  • optimized space usage;
  • enhanced warehouse navigation;
  • reduced human errors;
  • efficient labor operations;
  • advanced analytics;
  • high-level customization;
  • task optimization and automation.

For a custom WMS implementation to be successful, you will need to communicate extensively with your WMS vendor’s development team to discuss goals, clearly describe requirements, assess system capabilities, select third-party integrations, and more. To ensure the smooth execution of these processes, choose a trusted custom WMS development partner who understands your unique requirements and is committed to your success.

At HQSoftware, we specialize in delivering tailor-made WMS solutions that align with your business objectives. With us, you gain access to cutting-edge technologies and proven WMS implementation best practices.

While we handle the complexities of WMS software development, you can focus on what you do best — growing your business. Contact us to discover the full potential of your warehouse and stay ahead in the ever-changing landscape of warehouse management.


Andrei Kazakevich

Head of Production

To ensure the outstanding quality of HQSoftware’s solutions and services, I took the position of Head of Production and manager of the Quality Assurance department. Turn to me with any questions regarding our tech expertise.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main types of WMS?

What is the difference between WMS and ERP?

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