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IoT Reference Architecture: In Search of a Universal Solution

All technological solutions have architecture – a skeleton that is used to build a conceptual solution for a future project. IoT solutions aren’t an exception, and as a directon under development, its architecture is still open for standardization. So, the question remains: which IoT architecture can be specified as a reference one?

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How Internet of Things Changes the World: Trends & Cases from IoT Tech Expo 2017

The two-day specialized IoT Tech Expo Europe 2017 took place in Berlin at the beginning of June. The conference & exhibition attracted more than 4000 visitors from all over Europe. HQSoftware’s CTO Vasil Tarasevich and PM Angelina Moroz visited the exhibition and below share their opinions and forecasts on the IoT sector.

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Let’s Meet at IoT Tech Expo in Berlin!

For the second time in a row, HQSoftware is heading to IoT Tech Expo, the largest European Internet of Things event. This time IoT Tech Expo is taking place June 1-2 in Berlin, Germany and unites over 4,000 attendees from across the globe.

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Use Cases: IoT Solutions for Modern Production Problems

Enterprises struggle with similar challenges: how to remove production bottlenecks, cut costs, and improve financial performance. How does IoT help?

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Driving Forces behind IoT: Predictive Maintenance and Self-Optimising Production

The rapidly expanding demand for Internet of Things (IoT) tools and services is predicted to continue in the coming years. Gartner Inc. forecasts 31% growth between 2016 and 2017, with business expected to employ 3.1 billion connected items in 2017. For business, predictive maintenance and self-optimizing production are going to be two of the major drivers of this growth.

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Sergei Vardomatski


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