Augmented Reality for Retail | AR Solutions in Retail - HQSoftware

Helping Businesses Sell More With AR

Augmented Reality for the Retail Industry

  • 10+ years in AR
  • Strict NDA terms
  • All-around AR solutions
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Augmented Reality Development Services

From prototyping and content creation to compelling experiences

Prototyping or MVP to validate the business idea

Content creation for AR experiences

Enhancement and extension of functionality

AI-training for scene and object recognition

Integration with other systems, e.g. geolocation

AR in Retail: Overview

how AR changes retail


of consumers say they would shop more often if they could use AR


of consumers say they prefer retailers with AR experiences


consumers used AR to shop in 2020

AR Applications in Retail

pick the right solution to power your retail business

Virtual fitting rooms

AR solutions in retail allow customers to try on products before buying, be it shoes, clothes, or accessories, via mobile apps or a magic mirror.

Visualizing home items

Let your customers place furniture or interior objects in their homes virtually and increase pre-sale efficiency with Augmented Reality in retail.

Accessing product information

Place virtual tags with product descriptions on items in your store and allow users to scan them via retail AR apps. Provide customers with more information effortlessly.

Building brand awareness

Develop a retail AR app with impressive and viral content that customers will love to use. Let them spread the word about your brand and win more audience.

In-store location

Place digital tags with store location data so that your customers scan them and always know where to find the products they want – all with the help of AR applications in retail.

Online marketing

Launch new products and develop a retail AR app to showcase them to your customers. Let them interact with virtual models as though they are holding a real product.

The Future of AR in Retail

What changes will AR bring to retail?

  1. 6 in 10 people want to visualize products

    Even though AR is typically associated with the entertainment industry, the reality is that AR perfectly fits in retail – customers need AR to visualize where and how a product can fit into their lives. 

  2. 66% of people are interested in using AR when shopping

    Now, there are 83.1 million consumers that use AR, and they can definitely benefit from its help while shopping. Develop a retail AR app to attract this growing audience at the very outset.

  3. AR market forecast to be worth $198Bn by 2025

    This tremendous growth is due to the rising popularity of AR and its application for retail in particular.

  4. AR will dramatically decrease or nearly eliminate product returns

    Brands that offer AR solutions in retail state that they see a 50% decrease in return rates as shoppers are empowered to make the right purchase decisions.

Customer Stories

450 business goals reached through tech solutions since 2001

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Virtual Fitting Room on Mobile: 30% Reduction in Returns

Reactive Reality helps retailers increase sales and reduce return rates by bringing the fitting room to consumers' mobile devices. Recognizing the opportunity, Reactive Reality AG partnered with HQSoftware to develop a mobile app that allows online shoppers to create their avatars and enjoy all the perks of a virtual fitting room anywhere they are.

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AR Platform for Marketers and Creatives: 5x Increase in Engagement

A powerful AR platform that allows launching interactive marker-based and markerless campaigns. Users can design complex AR experiences with no advanced technical skills required, put them into AR campaigns, configure and launch them.

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AR Sales Department Business Card: 18% Higher Conversion Rate

An interactive marker-based AR experience in a cross-platform mobile application. The app serves for sales purposes and shows an AR experience upon an HQSoftware’s staff business card.

Technologies Used:

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FAQ With AR Developers

What is your experience?

Do you develop AR apps in retail?

How do you build AR software?

How is your service organized?

How much does it cost to build a retail AR app?

Technologies for AR in Retail

Technologies we’ve mastered and devices we develop for

Development frameworks / SDK

Unity, Vuforia SDK, OpenGL, SceneKit, Wikitude SDK, ARToolKit, Catchoom SDK, Kudan SDK, EasyAR SDK, iOS/Android SDK, ARKit, ARCore, 8th Wall, AR.js


Android, iOS, Windows, macOS


AR-kiosks: point-of-sale devices, AR installations, magic mirrors, etc.


Microsoft HoloLens, Oculus Quest, Epson Moverio, Google Glass, Vuzix Blade, etc.

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    Sergei Vardomatski
