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Applications of Virtual Reality (VR) in Manufacturing

VR for manufacturing is a form of interactive simulation that allows manufacturers to create an immersive environment for testing and production of a 3D structure of any model. VR allows manufacturers to create virtual models and simulations of their products. They can be used to test different features and scenarios and find the best way to produce them.

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Virtual Reality Therapy for Pain Management: Facts and Figures

With the ability of VR to transfer and fully immerse users in a virtual environment, the technology is an excellent method of distracting patients with chronic and acute pain. Although the first attempts to implement Virtual Reality for pain management date back to the 1990s, the technology in this field is still relatively new and drawing more and more attention from the medical community and software providers.

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Augmented Reality (AR) for Conferencing and Business Communication

The benefits of video conferencing seem too attractive to pass up. Therefore, this method of business communication will remain firmly incorporated into today’s work environment. But there are no universal communication tools that will cover all the possible business tasks. That’s where AR technology comes in.

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How to Develop a Successful Stock Trading App

Stock trading app development is a complex process that requires technical and business expertise. Drawing on our experience in Fintech app development, we’ve highlighted the most crucial points and approaches related to engineering trading software.

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Free VR Prototype by HQSoftware — New Opportunity for Our Clients

We at HQSoftware have recently launched a new service for potential partners — free VR prototype development. Any company can send us 3D files and get VR experience with basic mechanics in 4 steps.

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