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Software Development
Dedicated Team Model: How Does it Work and Who Benefits from DTM?

Today, remote work is more popular than ever. The IT industry, which has always been a pioneer in building distributed teams and establishing remote work, is now probably the largest industry making full use of outsourcing.

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Software Development
What is a Progressive Web App (PWA) and its Main Benefits?

Because of the increasing number of mobile users, many companies choose to create mobile applications, which usually require significant time and money to develop. This can be challenging if a company needs to offer an efficient, high-speed solution, as well as keep costs under control. To deal with that problem, a progressive web application, or PWA, is gaining popularity.

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Software Development
Web Application Architecture: Types and Main Components

Making the right choices in web development architecture and web app components is essential for the success of the future product. In this article, we’ll explain 3-tier application architecture, its layers and components, and the way all of this works.

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AR for the Retail Industry: How a Virtual Fitting Room Improves Sales and Customer Retention

Let’s see how Augmented and Virtual Reality help to bring the offline fitting room experience to the online store.

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Software Development
How Much Does It Cost to Hire Software Developers

Here we answer the most popular questions about outsourcing: how much does it cost to hire developers, how to control software quality and communicate, etc.

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Sergei Vardomatski


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