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Internet of Things
How IoT is Influencing PCB Design and Manufacturing

How IoT is changing the Printed Circuit Board development industry? With a massive component library at their fingertips, designers can now build any device imaginable. This is something that’ll certainly come in handy with the imminent rise of the IoT. To look further into this, let’s check out the best examples of how the IoT is changing PCBs.

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Internet of Things
Smart Waste Management: How IoT Can Help Solve Waste Problems

All major cities face a waste problem. A growing population means a growing amount of trash, including the kind that ends up in street bins. That creates a need for cities to find new ways to deal with waste and optimize existing procedures. Waste management is one more field where implementing IoT can help. Let’s see how municipal governments are using technology to keep cities clean.

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Internet of Things
What Is the Location of Things?

Internet of Things technology generates a lot of data that makes it easier for the user to understand processes and events. The term is extremely broad, encompassing technologies and devices gathering all kinds of unsorted data. To gain the most value from these technologies, it’s useful to categorize this data according to factors such as temperature, speed, location, humidity, and the like. Today, let’s talk about the Location of Things — and how we can use geopositioning to our benefit.

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Internet of Things
Computer Vision: Technology of the Foreseeable Future

You have a device in your pocket that can answer lots of questions. Want weather info? Need a ride downtown? Can’t remember the exact rate at which glaciers melt? A search takes just a moment. But can it really answer any question? How about: “What’s that castle in front of me?” Or: “Can you translate the whole restaurant menu?” So, today we are tackling the subject of Computer Vision.

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Internet of Things
Digital Twins as a New IoT Milestone: How Do They Work?

The industrial Internet of Things makes it possible to gather various data that businesses can use to their benefit. What if we told you that such data can be used to study and improve a product even before it is launched? How about extracting value from a product and testing all kinds of “what-if” scenarios without physical interaction? That’s exactly what Digital Twins are designed to do.

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Sergei Vardomatski


Welcome to our blog! The topics we cover include IoT, AR/VR, and software development. If you’d like to discuss an article, please
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