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Difference Between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

11 min read

Virtual Reality (VR) vs Augmented Reality (AR) are often lumped together as “immersive technologies,” but their impact on our lives are quite different. While both technologies blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds, they do so in distinct ways, leading to a range of unique applications. This distinction is crucial to understanding the potential of AR and VR technology and how they can be applied to solve real-world problems.

With over 450 successful projects under our belt, we at HQSoftware have accumulated an impressive foundation in AR/VR development. Such an extensive background and specialization in this field allows us to offer profound insights into the differences between Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality.

Table of contents:

What Is Virtual Reality?

What Is Augmented Reality?

Examples of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Reality

Advantages and Disadvantages of Augmented Reality

Differences Between AR and VR

Common Applications of VR and AR

Bridging the Gap: Exploring Mixed Reality

What Is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality is a computer-generated simulation of a 3D environment that allows users to interact with it in a highly realistic way. To experience VR, you need to wear a specialized headset to look around and interact as if you’re really there. These headsets often include headphones and haptic feedback devices, enhancing the sense of immersion by providing auditory cues and tactile sensations.

For example, VR can be used for medical simulations that prepare surgeons for complex procedures in realistic scenarios without the associated risks.

Vr surgical training - Difference Between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

The following points adhere to the key characteristics of Virtual Reality:

  • Immersion. VR technology creates an immersive experience, engaging users’ senses and simulating a realistic environment.
  • Computer-generated experiences. VR environments are entirely digital, created using computer software and hardware.
  • Interactiveness. Users can interact with virtual objects, environments, and characters, influencing the simulation in real time.
  • Three-dimensional vision. VR environments are 3D, providing a sense of depth and spatial awareness.

This is the basic concept of Virtual Reality. Next, we’ll delve into Augmented Reality, exploring its applications and what distinguishes it from VR.

What Is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality adds digital information and images to the real world using a device’s camera and screen. Unlike Virtual Reality, which creates a fully digital world, AR enhances the real world by adding virtual objects, sounds, and other effects that you can see, hear, and sometimes feel.

You can experience AR using devices such as smartphones, tablets, or AR glasses. The technology uses cameras, sensors, and software to recognize the real environment and smoothly mix virtual elements with what you see around you.

For example, you can aim your smartphone camera at a street, and AR applications will show navigation directions or display interactive advertisements.

AR app for street navigation - Difference Between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

The following are some key characteristics of Augmented Reality:

  • Overlaying digital information. AR technology superimposes digital information on the real world, seamlessly blending physical and virtual elements.
  • Real-world context. AR experiences use the device’s camera and sensors to overlay digital information on the real world.
  • Interactivity. Users can touch, tap, or swipe virtual objects in the real world, influencing the AR experience.
  • Context-awareness. AR technology can adapt to the user’s environment, taking into account factors like location, lighting, and objects in the scene.

Advances in AR and VR create smoother interactions between people, machines, and the world, changing how we experience our surroundings. However, understanding the differences between these emerging technologies is key to fully harnessing their potential.

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Examples of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

AR vs VR: What to choose? Imagine stepping into a virtual world where you can explore distant planets or climb mountains, or using your smartphone to visualize a virtual item of furniture in your living room before purchasing it. AR and VR makes all these experiences possible. 

In keeping with our deep expertise in AR/VR development and a strong project portfolio, let’s explore some inspiring examples of how HQSoftware has used these technologies in various industries, starting with Virtual Reality solutions.

VR simulations for occupational training

The first example is a VR simulation that provides hands-on training for aspiring engineers, mechanics, and chefs, equipping them with the skills needed for success in their chosen fields. From electrical fundamentals to truck maintenance and culinary arts, these simulations allow users to practice complex tasks naturally, acquiring the essential skills for their chosen career path.

The new solution resulted in remarkable engagement, with an 84% participation rate during VR training sessions. Furthermore, trainees demonstrated impressive knowledge retention, achieving a 67% success rate in applying what they learned.

VR museum journey

To showcase cultural heritage in an immersive and engaging way, we’ve developed a VR museum tour.

This virtual journey transports museum visitors into a detailed VR environment, recreating the time period and place showcased in the gallery exhibits. With the solution you can:

  • immerse yourself in the gallery’s atmosphere with stunning, 360-degree views;
  • discover the stories behind specific historical pieces and gain deeper insights into the museum’s collection;
  • roam through exhibits at your own pace, zooming in on details and uncovering additional contextual information.

This solution demonstrates the power of interactive VR simulations to fully immerse visitors in the culture and lifestyle of the featured cultural group.

Bodyscope – visualization in VR

Bodyscope is a VR tool that we have engineered at HQSoftware for immersive exploration and interaction with CT and MRI scans. It empowers users to easily manipulate and examine scans, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s condition. 

Bodyscope allows users to upload any series of CT, MRI, or PET/CT images and transform them into interactive 3D models. To contact these models firsthand, users simply need an Oculus Quest 2 VR headset. You can experience true 3D VR exploration, rotating, slicing, and zooming with ease to uncover every detail. Moreover, it’s possible to customize your view with various tissue visualization palettes to tailor the experience to your specific needs.

As we’ve explored some exciting VR solutions, now let’s shift our focus to the world of AR applications.

AR progressive dieting app

This AR app helps users maintain a healthy diet by visually comparing their meal portions to the size of their fist. To personalize the experience, users are asked to provide their foot size during registration. Such information is used by a special algorithm to estimate the correct fist size for their individual proportions.

Leveraging Augmented Reality, the system uses a camera to identify the meal and overlays a customized fist image onto it. Users can then easily adjust the portion size, from 0.5 to 3 fists, and categorize the food type. For instance, appetizer, main course, dessert, etc. The app provides detailed progress tracking through various diagrams, showcasing statistics of interest. Users can also add descriptions and ratings on a five-star scale to each meal they log.

AR progressive dieting app - Difference Between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

AR app to scan markers or QR codes

To boost event visibility for an ethnic music art festival, we have developed a mobile solution to scan markers or QR codes showcasing diverse marker-based AR experiences. As the device focuses on a marker and successfully identifies it, the system initiates a related AR encounter, such as audio, video, image, or web content. Notably, the app functions exclusively with markers specifically designed for its use.

Collaborating with HQSoftware, the client successfully launched the app on both the App Store and Google Play. The app exceeded 3,100 downloads after the festival.

Marker based AR festival guide app - Difference Between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Exploring these practical examples of Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality highlights their potential benefits and drawbacks. However, to better understand AR and VR  technology, let’s explore the impact and unique limitations of these immersive technologies.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Reality

Exploring the pros and cons of AR and VR provides a more comprehensive understanding of its capabilities. Thanks to our more than 10 years of experience in AR/VR software development, we at HQSoftware can highlight  some of the major advantages and disadvantages of VR technology at its current stage of development.

Advantages and disadvantages of VR - Difference Between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Advantages of Virtual Reality are:

  • High level of immersion. VR allows users to feel as if they are genuinely part of a virtual environment.
  • Enhanced training. Virtual Reality creates safe training environments, enhancing learning outcomes in various complex skills, for instance flight training.
  • Therapeutic applications. VR has shown promise in treating conditions like phobias, anxiety, and PTSD by providing controlled environments to confront fears and practice coping mechanisms.
  • Accessibility and cost-effectiveness. VR can provide access to experiences that would otherwise be inaccessible or expensive, such as exploring historical sites or experiencing exotic locations.

Disadvantages of Virtual Reality are:

  • Physical discomfort. Extended use of VR can lead to some motion sickness, eye strain, and headaches because of the disconnect between visual perception and physical reality.
  • Limited content library. While the VR content market is growing, it still lags behind traditional gaming and media platforms in terms of available titles and experiences.
  • Technical limitations. VR systems require high-performance hardware and stable internet connections for optimal experiences, which can be a barrier for some users.
  • Physical isolation. Being fully immersed in a headset cuts users off from their physical surroundings and any potential real-world hazards. 

As VR technology advances, many of its current drawbacks are expected to diminish. Costs will likely decrease, and the user experience will become more refined and accessible. 

To gain a comprehensive understanding, let’s now explore the core pros and cons of Augmented Reality.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Augmented Reality

Here are some of the potential benefits and limitations of AR applications that should be considered.

Advantages and disadvantages of AR - Difference Between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Advantages of Augmented Reality:

  • Enhanced user experience. Users can interact with digital elements overlaid on the physical world, which can be particularly useful in fields like architecture or interior design.
  • Increased efficiency. In industries like manufacturing and construction, AR can guide workers through complex tasks, reducing errors and improving efficiency.
  • Marketing and retail boost. AR allows customers to visualize products in their own environment before making a purchase, enhancing decision-making.
  • Quick information retrieval. AR interfaces allow users quick access to relevant data or maps from directly within live views of their surroundings.

Disadvantages of Augmented Reality:

  • Object recognition challenges. Accurately superimposing graphics depends on robust detection and overlay capabilities vulnerable to environmental factors like lighting conditions.
  • Limited immersion. AR experiences are less immersive than VR, as they overlay digital content onto the real world rather than replacing it entirely.
  • Privacy concerns. AR systems can collect vast amounts of personal data, raising concerns about how this information is used or secured.
  • Technical limitations. AR technology still faces some technical challenges, such as limited field of view, tracking accuracy, and battery life.

To sum up, while AR offers immersive experiences, there are certain challenges to consider, especially when compared to its counterpart, Virtual Reality. So, delving into the distinctions between VR vs AR will offer a more nuanced perspective.

Differences Between AR and VR

The table below compares Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality based on several important criteria.

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We can conclude that both VR and AR technologies are impacting various industries by providing interactive experiences. While VR and AR serve different purposes, when it comes to use cases there is some overlap in certain fields due to their unique capabilities.

Common Applications of VR and AR

Both VR and AR technologies are making significant impacts in six big fields. Here are some real-world applications that highlight the differences between AR and VR:

  • education and training;
  • healthcare;
  • gaming and entertainment;
  • retail and e-commerce;
  • architecture and real estate;
  • industrial and manufacturing.

1. Education and training

Virtual Reality: VR is extensively used for creating immersive training environments, such as vehicle simulations for driver training, workplace safety procedures training, or hazardous environment training for firefighters. Students can also attend virtual lectures, explore historical sites, or conduct experiments in a safe, controlled environment.

Augmented Reality: AR overlays additional information onto real-world objects, making learning more engaging. For example, students can use AR apps to visualize the human body or explore the solar system. Another way to use AR is to provide step-by-step instructions for complex tasks, such as assembling machinery or performing medical procedures, directly in the user’s field of view.

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2. Healthcare

Virtual Reality: VR helps with exposure therapy for phobias and PTSD, pain management, and physical rehabilitation. The other popular way to use VR for medical simulations is to practice making diagnoses and carrying out surgery procedures in a virtual environment before performing them on patients.

Augmented Reality: AR can overlay MRI and CT scan data onto a patient’s body in real time, aiding surgeons during operations. Within the area of patient education, AR can help patients understand their conditions and treatment plans by visualizing medical data.

3. Gaming and entertainment

Virtual Reality: VR offers fully immersive gaming experiences, where players can interact with virtual worlds and characters in a highly realistic manner. Another way to employ VR in this sector is with virtual concerts and events. Artists and performers can create virtual performances that fans can attend from anywhere in the world.

Augmented Reality: Location-based games such as Pokémon GO use the real world as the game board, blending virtual characters with the user’s environment. At the same time, AR can enhance storytelling by overlaying digital elements onto real-world settings, creating interactive and immersive narratives.

4. Retail and e-commerce

Virtual Reality: Customers can explore virtual showrooms to view products in a lifelike setting before making a purchase. VR can allow customers to try on clothes, accessories, or even makeup in a virtual environment.

Augmented Reality: With AR try-ons, customers can use AR to virtually try on products like glasses, jewelry, or furniture in the real environment. AR can provide detailed product information and visualizations, helping customers make informed purchasing decisions.

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5. Architecture and real estate

Virtual Reality: Architects and real estate agents can create virtual tours of buildings and properties, allowing clients to explore spaces before they are built or physically available.VR can help architects and designers visualize and modify designs in a virtual environment.

Augmented Reality: AR can overlay architectural plans onto a construction site, helping builders and architects see how designs will fit in the real world. Home owners can use AR to visualize how new furniture or renovations will look in their existing space.

6. Industrial and manufacturing

Virtual Reality: While workers can practice complex tasks in a virtual environment, reducing the risk of errors and accidents, engineers can use VR to design and test prototypes in a virtual space before moving to physical production.

Augmented Reality: In AR you can provide real-time instructions and visual aids for maintenance and repair tasks, improving efficiency and accuracy. AR can also overlay inspection guidelines and data onto products, helping workers ensure quality standards are met.

In conclusion, we can say that AR and VR technologies have become necessary tools for almost every aspect of life.  However, the next frontier lies in Mixed Reality (MR), which seamlessly blends the digital and physical worlds to create even more immersive and interactive experiences.

Bridging the Gap: Exploring Mixed Reality

Mixed Reality combines elements of both VR and AR, creating a unique experience that blends the virtual and real worlds seamlessly. In Mixed Reality, users can interact with digital objects that are anchored to the real world, allowing for a more natural and intuitive experience. This technology uses advanced sensors and cameras to map the physical environment and overlay digital content in real time, creating a hybrid reality that feels authentic and engaging.

One of the most prominent examples of Mixed Reality is Microsoft’s HoloLens, which allows users to see, hear, and interact with holograms in their surrounding environment. The HoloLens has found applications in various fields, such as education, manufacturing, and healthcare, where it enables hands-free access to information and enhances collaboration.

At HQSoftware, our team of skilled developers and designers are at the forefront of creating innovative VR, AR, and MR solutions. We understand the immense potential these technologies hold in transforming various industries and enhancing user experiences.

Whether it’s developing a VR training module for a manufacturing company, creating an AR-powered marketing campaign for a retail brand, or building an MR application for the healthcare industry, we have the knowledge and experience to deliver tailored solutions that meet our clients’ unique needs. 

Contact us to get more information on how we can help you build a cutting-edge AR/VR solution.

Sergei Vardomatski - Founder - HQSoftware

HQSoftware Founder

Having founded the company in 2001, uses his broad knowledge to drive the company forward. Ready to share his wisdom on software development and technology insights

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