E-learning is the process of educating one or multiple people through the use of electronic media. Thus, augmented reality and virtual reality can help make requalification and job-based training more efficient in the long term.
In a recent interview, an expert on e-learning, technology scout and manager at Additive Minds Academy who has been a part of this form of education for 28 years, Volker Kunze, has explained how AR and VR software development technology can be transformative for the future.
What Augmented Reality Has to Offer
Both Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality can be used in educating people in various contexts offline or in virtual classrooms, enabling learning of a wide array of subjects. Volker touches upon this briefly in his interview, as explained below.
In the context of university education, often online classes are rehashing printed media over an online medium, as Volker explains. However, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality offer a level of interactivity, which helps enable understanding and retention of course material.
Volker Kunze
Technology Scout and Manager
at Additive MindsThe more you interact with the learning, the more it stays in your mind. And this is even with Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality; you feel the objects [and] you feel the learning.
Augmented Reality Offers Real-Time Learning Even When Someone Is Uninformed About a Topic
Volker used an example to explain how one of his students managed to handle the commissioning of one of his company’s products through AR-assisted e-learning. This student did not have any technological experience or expertise yet operated successfully. One of the company’s reviewing service engineers claimed they completed the task in nearly the same time as a service engineer would if they did it the first time. Volker added, “He said this [was] the best commission and most accurate commission machine ever.”
“Quality assurance” is what Volker said AR and VR offer to product manufacturers and marketers when this tech is used in the realm of e-learning. At the same time, students can feel confident in the information they acquire through AR and VR tech.
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Is an Updated Learning Solution
Volker uses the example of another student who had little to no knowledge of technology. Thus, he was provided with printed instructional manuals. In that case, the student struggled to acquire accurate knowledge of the product because the data in the manuals weren’t up to date.
“He had problems because some parts had been outdated. A cable was named, which nowadays is no longer there.”
Thus, this student needed an hour to be able to carefully study the material to be able to discuss the product with ease and answer critical questions about it. In contrast, the one who used AR, VR or MR tech managed to seamlessly learn the product in real-time.
How do modern businesses use AR to increase their revenues and outperform their industry competitors?
Take Advantage of a New Educational Tool
Volker explained that not all companies are ready to adopt AR and VR technology as part of their e-learning material. However, he explained that many training programs could help make it easier for people looking to switch jobs or requalify themselves to certain professional roles by making real-time education available with AR or VR support.

Technology Researcher
Professional researcher at HQSoftware. Interested in solutions for retail, entertainment, and software that makes people's lives better.
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