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Virtual Reality Simulations in Healthcare – Forbes Council Post

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Simulations have been used in the healthcare industry for a long time already, and now Virtual Reality is here to take medical simulations to a new level.

With VR, many technological companies develop healthcare solutions for patients and doctors, including:

The key growing domain is solutions that help surgeons learn, perform surgeries, or even manipulate robots through a VR interface. Another important field is mental health, which also benefits greatly from the use of VR.

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In this article Sergei Vardomatski, founder and a member of the management board at HQSoftware, shares his thoughts on the importance of virtual simulations in healthcare and speaks about some of the most prominent companies in this field.

Read the full article here: Virtual Reality Simulations In Healthcare.

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HQSoftware Founder

Having founded the company in 2001, uses his broad knowledge to drive the company forward. Ready to share his wisdom on software development and technology insights.

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